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black-eyed pea salad

Updated: Nov 19, 2018

I don't make this salad too often, but when I do there may be no better summertime dish in my repertoire. The key to a good bean salad is understanding a smidge of food science. We want the beans to cook completely, but then we want to give the beans' starch structure a chance to realign and firm up - this is what will give the salad a nice "pop".

[serves 6]


the stuff:

  • 8 oz. black-eyed peas, uncooked

  • 8 oz. orzo, uncooked

  • 1 onion, halved

  • 1 onion, diced

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 tsp dried thyme

  • 0.5 cup parsley, chopped

  • 0.25 cup parsley, minced

  • 2 tbsp olive oil (for cooking)

  • olive oil (for dressing)

  • lemon juice, fresh or not

  • salt & pepper

the steps:

  1. Put the beans, halved onion, and thyme in a large pot and cover with about 2 inches of water.

  2. Turn the heat to medium-low and bring to a slow, gentle simmer.

  3. Maintain the gentle simmer for about 15 minutes - stir occasionally and carefully.

  4. After 15 minutes sample a bean or three; if the beans are still gritty or tough inside, continue to cook and check every 5 minutes until they are completely done.

  5. Once the beans are done drain the water, discard the onion halves, and leave them to cool slightly - about 30 minutes

  6. Transfer the beans to a container and refrigerate them for about 1-2 hours (or pop them in the freezer for 30-60 minutes).

  7. While the beans are thoroughly cooling begin cooking the orzo according to the package directions.

  8. While the orzo is cooking heat the olive oil in a saute pan over medium heat until "shimmering".

  9. Add the diced onion to the pan along with a pinch of salt and saute for about 5 minutes.

  10. Add the garlic and chopped parsley to the pan and continue to saute for about 3 minutes longer.

  11. Kill the heat and set aside.

  12. Once the orzo is done cooking dump it into a colander, rinse it under some cold running water, and set aside to thoroughly drain - about 15-20 minutes.

  13. After the beans have chilled and the orzo has drained, dump the beans, orzo, sauteed onion-garlic-parsley mix, and minced parsley into a large bowl.

  14. Begin a completely unmeasured* process of drizzling some olive oil, splashing some lemon juice, and sprinkling some salt and pepper until you get a flavor profile that you like.

the lessons:

  • In lieu of lemon juice try some types of vinegar.

  • It has not been uncommon for me to reach for some honey when it comes to dressing the salad.

  • Cilantro, tarragon, chives, or basil can be substituted as the fresh herb.


* you should really get in the habit of tasting your food as you prepare it



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